Newton’s third law of motion.

Two opposing forces are called action and reaction forces and are the subject of Newton’s third law of motion. Formally stated, Newton’s third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

For example,  “when you push a cart, the cart pushes back against you; when you pull on a rope, the rope pulls back against you; and when gravity pulls you down against the ground, the ground pushes up against your feet.”

You can’t obey God along with the serpent who wanted you to disobey God. You can’t have a job along with debts that make you earn nothing out of your job. You cannot sleep and dream of reaching your goals when you are filled with the things that prevent you from sleeping. What would you choose when Satan unleashed his wealth into the market – lovers of the pride of pleasure or lovers of the faith to uphold your dreams?

Coming soon on Trust: The Suit That Fits More Than Pleasures


August 2022

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